Working in Government
Government environments can be complex, and not to mention political at times. A workforce with public service teams, often resistant to change means that trying to adapt and take on new technologies, and change can present challenging.
Government environments often attract highly qualified and academic individuals who are deeply passionate about their jobs. Government teams are always looking for efficiencies to save cost, and time. They also look for case studies where similar solutions have been deployed, and case studies. This often delivers a level of confidence when it's something new in the public sector.
Microsoft Power Apps for Government
Taking on new technologies can sometimes be slow in government, but we have certainly seen many government departments now take up the Microsoft Power Platform (Power BI ,Power Apps, Power Automate, Virtual Agents ..+ more). Offering a secure, reliable platform, built for process management Microsoft Power Apps is ideal for government teams to embrace and adopt.
Why Power Apps empowers government teams
- Data structure and security (secure and reliable within Data-verse or government owned data sources)
- Quick to deploy, with simplified architecture
- Tried-tested-adopted across broader government
- In house support with experienced power platform teams
If your looking for Microsoft Power Apps - that are ready to deploy as turn-key solutions, check out our Products (OKR Hub, Innovation Hub, Project Hub, Workforce Hub)
Project Hub - click to learn more
Workforce Hub - click to learn more
Supplier Portal - click to learn more
Looking for more information or need help with apps for your government teams? Get in touch with us today, we'd love to hear from you